Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Just Getting it off My Chest

It’s harvest time.  We reap as we sow, so we are told.  But it’s not quite true is it? Sometimes we reap what others have sown, and the taste is bitter.  Sometimes we reap those things that have grown naturally, without our input.  Biology asserts itself.

Someone set a seedling in my neighbourhood.  We didn’t like it, it was ugly, but he delighted in it like a child.  He tended the seed and it grew a little.  Until now.  Now, its loathsome tentacles have reached out and grabbed us by the throat.  Its rude demeanour offends those who see it and they would cut it down along with those of us held in its grip.  They think that we are part of it.  But we are not, we suffer more than the offended as the grip increases.  There is no life in the soil around it.  It must go.

If only we knew how the plant can die.  It appears so robust.   Will be ever know the end? Will this become an anecdote or the cul de sac?  The grip must loosen.  Biology will eventually re-assert and people will turn away from the sight of a near dead parasite.  But we must move away in case of those things that lie dormant , waiting to spring back to life.

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